The ancient and advanced brainwash techniques of Hypnosis and NLP resets your student’s mind program on autopilot mode for…….. Accelerated Studying, Concentrations at Class-Room (Virtual and Real), Study Habits, Memory Retention, Easy Exam (Mind works like google search engine during Exam) and Accomplishing Goals.

We believe in the limitless potential of the human mind and are committed to helping your students harness this potential to create positive change in their lives. Our teachings are grounded in the principles of the law of attraction and are designed to help individuals cultivate a growth mindset, develop inner peace and resilience, and manifest their deepest desires.

Course Details

The program will be conducted at your place/class room for 3 hrs.
For everybody's convenience Hindi Language will be used.
Schedule will be in two parts
1st Part: Motivation, Understanding Hypnotherapy.
2nd Part: Practical experience of trance (Mind Programming)
Follow up Program for next 45 days will be provided at free of cost.
Fee structure : INR 2,00,000/- Now only INR 49,999/-
(Exclude Travel and one night stay for Mumbai and MMR)
Call or What’s app for booking on +91 897 6776 444

  • Your information is required to complete the registration
  • It's safe with us and will not be used for marketing
  • You will receive a confirmation email in less than 24h

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About the Trainer :
Dr. Santosh Parab

Being a well-recognized hypnosis expert, Dr Santosh Parab is a qualified teacher with industry-standard teaching qualifications. Santosh Parab has a Doctorate of Philosophy, based upon the psychology aspects of hypnosis & subliminal from a professionalism perspective. As part of the research for his Doctorate, he completed training with many (200+) international hypnosis and hypnotherapy training providers, and has a personal library of hypnosis-related books along with his own written and published worldwide book "Making Unconscious Conscious" that would impress even the most avid enthusiast. This alone makes him one of the most well-rounded, highly qualified hypnotherapy trainers in India (and the world).

As well as being a first-class hypnotherapist, Dr Santosh is also a highly experienced teacher in fields including industry and higher education. He has various highly-respected professional endorsements, such as Life Membership with the Indian School of Psychology Association (INSPA) and also member of the association for Neuro Linguistic Programming, ANLP, UK as well as he is member of International Association of Applied Psychology and American Hypnosis Association.

Dr. Santosh Parab reprograms your student's subconscious to get benefits of...

  • 1

    Accelerated Studying

    8 hours of Normal Study will be covered in 2 hours of Accelerated Study.

  • 2

    Study Habits

    Makes your study a habit and you will study unknowingly for usance.

  • 3

    Concentrations at Class-Room (Virtual and Real)

    While studying at a classroom you can keep away all other thoughts pop-up in your mind and can concentrate on the studies for grasping images of teach portion.

  • 4

    Memory Retention

    Your memory will become so controlled that whenever you want to recall study, it will flow flawless.

  • 5

    Accomplishing Goals

    Feeling wonderful in every way…… That you “are” a success & will be successful in all that you do… You really CAN take charge of your life and health and achieve any goal you wish when you learn how to use the natural power of your mind

  • 6

    Easy Exam (Mind works like search engine during Exam)

    Your subconscious mind will work like search engine during exams and tests, presenting your required information, apart from any stress, phobia or anxiety.

Hypnosis for the School/College Student

How students can deal better with academic, health, and social challenges.

* Using hypnosis to achieve a calm state before studying can help make studying more efficient.
* Hypnosis can be used during brief study breaks to make them more restful.
* Hypnosis can be used to mentally rehearse test-taking situations.
* Hypnosis can be used to address and cope better with existential questions that concern many college students.

Students at school/college face several challenges including keeping up with their class work, studying efficiently, planning their future careers, maintaining a good balance between achievement of academic goals and healthy social activities, staying in a good state of health and even development of their Spiritual life. Hypnosis can be very helpful in meeting all the aforementioned challenges.

How Hypnosis Can Help with Academics

Using hypnosis to achieve a calm state before studying can help make studying more efficient by allowing students to focus more readily on their academic work. Further, students can imagine taking notes while in hypnosis (such as on an imaginary whiteboard), which can accelerate their ability to integrate new information while they are studying at home.

Studying intensively for too long at one time can make it more difficult to retain new material. This is why taking breaks while studying is important—to let the brain refresh itself. Hypnosis can be used during such breaks to make them more restful. For example, because the perception of the passage of time can be altered while in hypnosis, students can feel as if they have rested for hours during a 5-minute break.

In class, there is a form of “alert hypnosis” during which some students appear to better absorb information. By employing this method, students can utilize hypnosis techniques while physically active, with open eyes, and focused on the external environment.

Some students become very anxious during testing situations and cannot recall easily what they have studied. Hypnosis can be used to calm themselves during tests, which can even improve their recall, including through "consultation" with their subconscious. Hypnosis can even be used to mentally rehearse test taking situations that leads to enhanced test outcomes.

In planning for their careers, it is helpful to consider many options. By tapping into their inner selves through hypnosis, students can gain new insights into their interests and passions from the increased breadth of knowledge and experience that often is stored in their subconscious.

The subconscious can also be helpful in helping students to be honest with themselves regarding how to maintain optimal balance between their academic and social life. On a conscious level students are influenced strongly by social expectations while the subconscious typically confines itself to considering what is best for a student irrespective of outside influences.

Overall Hypnosis can be used to help college students through promoting good study habits as well as life choices that lead to maintenance of good physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.